Ivarius's Journal
This will be my last journal as new ones are becoming increasingly harder to obtain. If you have found this and can understand what I am writing, me and you share one thing, Luck. I am Ivarius, an untethered man. I have been known by many names but as of writing this I am currently known as Ivarius. If you find this bizarre it makes sense, mortals struggle to understand. I am not stuck to one reality but rather may go where I please. If you imagine reality as a piece of paper you are a stick figure on it. You can't leave the paper. If someone now cuts a hole in that paper you can't go through that hole or could you open it. I can, through pure luck I am no longer tethered to reality. I was born and I will die when however i am unsure, until that day inevitably arrives I will continue to live. As of now I am currently in the space between reality's (imagine 2 papers with 2 separate stick people a few feet apart). I have been adrift for… unsure which calendar I should use but needless to say a while. In a few pages you can begin reading my records but I feel you deserve an understanding for why a book has fallen from the sky, possibly made from materials you have never seen.
My start
As I said before I was born and I will die. I was born in a world long gone known as rathnir. Growing up I fell into a large pit lodging a chunk of “bedrock” into one of my eyes. The bedrock protecting the void is a buffer layer between reality and the Inbetween. Doing so connected me deeply to this buffer and granted me success in magic. As I grew older after my move to eldham, another continent I began developing machinery capable of imitating the magics of great wizards eventually creating one allowing my eye to see again. However by then a comet was rapidly approaching. This is when I finally achieved my greatest feat. Ripping the tethers from my dimension, Now I could go beyond the void and into the in between allowing me to find new realities for myself to live in. Along my journey across realms I changed many times. I was a tyrant who destroyed universes for fun and a leader who led to pillage other realities. Along the way I began absorbing the energy of the inbetween with it fading while I was on worlds, sometimes even forgetting memories. I began keeping journals as records however when entering and leaving worlds many were lost (as this one may be). Now that you understand the value of my journal, Feel free to read my records.
Entry 1
Currently I have spent some decent time in the in-between, realities are getting more scarce as they advance towards inevitable collapse and war. I do feel the presence of a promising world approaching, It feels as a magnet to me and I feel something familiar. The familiar feeling of rathnirian magics. I will enter this world, having only made one entry here. Maybe this world will keep this book with me and it is not found, either way I must prepare to lose my power for some time.
12 jan 2025 kl. 19:48
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