Automatic Chest Sorting

Sort your items using the Automatic Chest Sorter.

The Pactoria chest sorting system works using storage minecarts and is able to move entire inventories instantly.

The storage cart can be put into one of three modes by having the cart pass over a powered activator rail with a wool block under it.
The color of the wool will change the mode of the minecart.

  • Red Wool = Chest to Cart mode - Take items out of chests and put them into the minecart.
    (Note: currently to reduce abuse, the chest MUST be named "Input" use an anvil to rename the item)
  • Blue Wool = Cart to Chest mode - Take items out of the cart and put them into the chests.
  • White Wool = Disabled mode - Returns the cart back to vanilla behavior

There are other settings that you can use:

Take Conditions:

  • Green Wool = Leave one of each item type behind.
  • Orange Wool = Don't leave any items behind
  • Yellow Wool = Leave one of each stack behind.

Put Conditions:

  • Magenta Wool = Only transfer if the target already contains the same type of item
  • Brown Wool = Transfer regardless of what is in the target.
  • Pink Wool = Top up existing stacks in the target. (not implemented yet)

Once you have configured the cart using the wool blocks, when the cart passes over a powered activator rail it will scan for nearby chests (2 blocks up, 2 blocks down, 1 block east, west, north, & south) and will put or take items as you have configured it.

Right click the minecart to view the current config.

It is possible (and recommended) to have a single cart in your base that performs all sorting activity,

Activator rail on Black Wool - Will search for a sign attached to the back wool block, and perform one of the following actions: :

  • "SetName" will rename the cart to the name specified on the second line of text on the sign.

Detector rail on Black Wool - Will search for a sign attacked to the wool block, and perform one of the following actions:

  • "NameEquals" - Will activate if the carts name matches the one on the second line of the sign
  • "NameContains" - Will activate if the carts name contains the text on the second line of the sign
  • "NameStartsWith" - Will activate if the carts name starts with the text on the second line of the sign
  • "NameEndsWith" - Will activate if the carts name ends with the text on the second line of the sign
  • "CartType" - Will activate for the cart types on the second line of the sign: "Rideable", "Storage", "Explosive", "Hopper", "Spawner", "Powered"
  • "HasPassenger" - Will activate if the cart has a passenger

Adding the word "not" to the third line on the sign will cause the output to be the opposite of what it would be normally.

Avoid having multiple signs near the wool block as it may get confused.

Activator rail on a hopper will cause minecarts to be 'killed' and deposited into the hopper.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 30 gru 2024 16:37

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